Error Codes

Please find below the full list of error messages returned by the API.

1Unknown error
1001Incorrect login or password
1002Your contract does not have access to the API. Please contact the Support centre for further information.
1003Only available to customers who had DataExplorer enabled during this period.
1004You do not have the required rights to access this site or this group. Please contact your account administrator.
1005You are not authorised to access this site.
1006The requested functionality is not working
1007The login and/or password field is empty.
1008You don’t have any access right to this API
1010The items within “space” parameter (site, level 2 site or group of sites) didn’t exist during the selected reference period (P1)
1011You cannot make calls on this API URL. For your information, only the “period”, “max-result”, “lng” and “sep” parameters can be modified.
1012One of the requested sites does not have access to the Data Explorer option, or is not part of the sites you are permitted to consult
1013You do not have access to the Access Rights application.
1014You do not have access to the requested group.
1017You have entered an incorrect email address or password 5 times. Please try again in 30 seconds.
1019Access refused: Your IP address is invalid
1020A specific account option must be enabled to make this API call
1021Password reset has expired. Please request to reset your password again.
1024This contract/site has no admin
1617The external OAuth connection has expired
2001The URL contains an unknown parameter.
2002Unknown shortcode.
2003The “site” parameter is obsolete when using API v2. Please use “space”.
2004The date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It is also possible to use YYYY-MM-DDThh (hour) or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm (minute) but only for real-time/offline periods.
2005The date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It is also possible to use YYYY-MM-DDThh (hour) or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm (minute) but only for real-time/offline periods.
2006The columns parameter contains one or more of the following errors: the syntax is incorrect, the number of columns exceeds 30, the columns only contain dimensions or 2 of the columns contain the same content.
2007The “page-num” parameter must be a positive integer.
2008Incorrect “Segment” parameter. A positive integer is required.
2009The “max-results” parameter is compulsory whenever the “page-num” parameter has been filled-in. It must be between 1 and 10,000.
2010Error for the “sort” parameter: it contains a syntax error (e.g. &sort={-d_geoloc_country}) or it contains an item that doesn’t exist in the “columns” parameter.
2011Real-time data cannot be added to data from a previous period.
2012The requested period cannot contain a date in the future and must be complete (please use the relative period to get current week ou current month)
2013The end date must occur after the start date.
2014The “sep” parameter cannot be used with the JSON format and only accepts the values: DOT or COMMA.
2015The “lng” parameter has been entered incorrectly. Expected values: FR, EN, DE, ES, PT or RU
2016The “Period” parameter is incompatible with the “start” and “end” parameters
2017The “period” parameter contains a syntax error.
2018The period is incorrect; it contains several offline days or it comprises non-offline and offline days.
2019The number of non-consecutive periods in the “period” parameter exceeds the authorised limit of 30
2020The “Include” parameter contains unknown attributes.
2021The use of the evolution with the “sub:{}” function in the “columns” parameter is incorrect.
2022Multi-period has been used incorrectly. Please consult the documentation for further information on its usage limits.
2023The variation request (dif{} or var{}) is incorrect. Several periods must be declared and they cannot involve “Time”-type dimensions.
2024Totals or references cannot be used in evolution mode.
2025The “Space” parameter is incorrect.
2026The “hidden” attribute in the “Columns” parameter has been used incorrectly.
2027The use of the “Sample” parameter is incorrect. Only these values are possible: 1, 10, 100 or “auto”
2028The “Ratio{}” function in the “Columns” parameter has been used incorrectly. It must follow the order of reference metric, then the desired type of total.
2029The “evo” parameter has been used incorrectly. The reasons could be: the variables used in this parameter or the number of rows requested (<30), the granularity (< that of the period) or type of dimensions (no date, independent).
2030The multi-spaces have been used incorrectly. They can only work with just 1 period and the dimensions called must exist on all of the declared spaces.
2031The “extract” parameter is not in the right format. Only positive integers are accepted.
2032A request involving several sites cannot be made for the current day (real time).
2033A request involving several sites cannot be made for an offline day.
2034The “segmentdesc” parameter is not used correctly.
2035The “retention” parameter is being used incorrectly. The “p” variable must contain the desired granularity, the “v” variable (optional) must contain the data type, and the “nb” variable must contain the number of columns (limited based on the chosen granularity)
2036The analysed period is not compatible with the requested cohort segment’s period. Please select another analysis period, or another segment.
2037Use of this segment requires the “segmentdesc” parameter to be present in the URL
2038Inconsistency between the “period” and “retention” parameters. They must have the same granularity (Day, Week or Month) and cannot involve the current period.
2039The “retention” parameter cannot be used with a segment related to “visits”. Please delete the segment, or change it.
2040The “segment” parameter is mandatory when the “segmentdesc” parameter is filled in with the “l2s:auto” space
2041When filled in with the “l2s:auto” space, the “segmentdesc” parameter is not compatible with visitor segmentation
2042The “Level 2” space must be filled in in the URL when the “segmentdesc” parameter is specified with “l2s:auto”
2043A “date”-type dimension cannot be used with multiple periods
2044When using several periods, the number of elements is limited to 100
2102One of the custom metrics or the custom dimension is not available on this site.
2103This segment is not available for this site.
2104The requested segment does not exist, or it was closed.
2105The “filter” parameter contains a syntax error or uses a forbidden operator within a hidden column.
2107One of the metrics (“Unique visitors” or other) is only available per week or per month (must be a completed period). Please modify the requested period accordingly.
2108This call requires special storage in order to facilitate data pre-calculation. To create this special storage, please save your call in template format in Data Query.
2109Time-related dimensions (date, week, month, etc.) cannot be filtered. Please use the calendar to obtain the desired periods.
2110One of the metrics in the API call (unique visitors or other) requires the “Month (time)” or the “Week (time)” dimension for a period exceeding 45 days: Please add one of these dimensions.
2111One of the requested dimensions or metrics is not available for this site, which is classified as offline.
2112One of the request variables contains several versions for the period. It is not possible, in this case, to call more than 45 consecutive days.
2113It is not possible to apply a visitor segment to a real-time period.
2114Your request involves several sites: only certain dimensions or metrics are available. Please consult Data Query > Groups > AT Internet templates to see which calls are authorised.
2115The group ID in the Space parameter either does not exist or does not belong to you.
2116One of the requested metrics is not authorised in this context.
2117This REST API call cannot be made because the associated query is too long.
2118It’s not possible to use both “Visitors (all)” and “Unique Visitors” metrics in the same API call.
2119The retention matrix is not available for this site.
2120The requested URL has not been set up in the DataFlow interface.
2121The API call is not recognised, or contains an analysis that no longer exists.
2202We’re unable to get the last minute of available data.
3002The requested analysis period is too long. Please reduce the window of time for this analysis.
3003The data is not yet available. It is either currently being processed, or relates to a period too far in the past.
3004The data is limited to 31 days.
3005One of the dimensions in your call requires very fine granularity, and therefore cannot be aggregated. In this case, the maximum authorised period is 45 days. Please select a shorter period, or remove the detailed dimension(s).
3006Calls from Data Query on precalculated data are limited to periods of 6 months.
3007Your request is pending calculation. Please try your call again later to check the progress of your request.
3008Your request may take a particularly long time to calculate. The result will be visible as soon as the background calculation has finished.
3009Your request was not able to be completed, for unknown reasons. Please try again later.
3010This call cannot be executed in Data Query: The execution time is deemed too long, and it contains a dimension or metric prohibiting precalculation. Please remove the dimension(s) in question or shorten the analysis period.
3011Custom data storage is currently being built. Your analyses will be available starting tomorrow (on condition that data exists)
3012The parameter “segmentdesc” cannot be used with the “Unique Visitors” metric (or a custom metric based on this metric)
4000Resource not found
4001These dimensions and/or metrics are not compatible.
4002One of the requested dimensions or metrics in the “columns”, “sort” or “filter” parameters does not exist.
4003A segment cannot be used if one of the custom metrics contains a segment.
4004This cross-correlatated information is not available in this context (data from before August 1, 2012, or a specific call like Data Flow)
4005Time out. The request cannot be processed.
4007Invalid call content
4008Resource not found
4009Time out. The request cannot be processed.
4010The entered password is not in the correct format
4011Sampling mode is not allowed for level 2 sites, nor for groups of sites.
4012One of the custom metrics cannot be accessed in this context.
4013A custom metric can be made up of 4 custom metrics maximum.
4015Time out. The request cannot be processed.
5001You have exceeded the number of simultaneous calls allowed. Please wait a moment and try again.
5002Unimplemented method
5003IQY file not found
5004The maximum number of simultaneous calls has been reached. Please repeat the call later.
5005An error has occured, thereby blocking this call. Please wait 10 minutes before trying again.
5007The maximum number of flows has been reached.
5008Service temporarily unavailable
5016The requested connection does not exist.
5017Non-specified or erroneous parameter
5021You must specify a document ID.
5022You must specify at least one recipient (user ID).
5023The requested document does not exist.
5024The performance of your query cannot be measured
5025The requested dashboard contains a box with no dataset.
7101This campaign cannot be modified because it has already created traffic.
7200Unknown source site
7201Missing destination site
7202Missing setup of source site
7203The destination site setup is not blank
7204Configuration error
7205The source site cannot appear as a destination site
7208The source site must have site custom variables.
7302This name already exists
7307The site is already enabled
7400This news does not exist.
7402The news type is mandatory.
7403The title and description in English are mandatory.
7404The publication’s start date is mandatory.
7405The publication end date cannot be before the start date.
7406The publication’s end date is mandatory.
7500Either this user doesn’t exist, or you don’t have the rights to consult him/her.
7503The entered email already exists.
7505A name is required for this configuration.
7506An application must be selected.
7507At least one site must be selected.
7508At least one user must be selected.
7509The name of the group of users is not defined
7510The specified group is not valid
7513The user already belongs to an organisation.
8001No information available on this API account
8002This custom metric cannot be deleted because it is used in a template, a segment or in another custom metric
8003End date is earlier than the start date
8004This segment cannot be deleted because it is used in a template or in a custom metric.
8005You may not change the site, as one or several URLs are already associated with another site
8007Invalid domain name
8008The site URL must be identical to the site declared in the API account
9001The requested version of this SDK is not available.
10002This ID already exists, or is reserved for use in an automatic campaign.
10005undefined SiteID
10007The custom source does not exist
10008A campaign cannot be backdated.
10009The end date must be later than the start date
12001This configuration cannot be deleted because it is in use.
17626Multi-site requests are not authorised for offline sites.
255001Maintenance is currently underway; the interface is therefore unavailable during this time. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Last update: 07/11/2017