Tagging deletion


How to remove tags from your web and mobile sites


V4 tag or earlier (xtcore.js)

The removal of AT Internet tags takes place in three major steps:

  • Main tag
  • Event tag
  • JavaScript files used for measurement

NB: Pages loaded by browsers can sometimes continue to generate hits despite the removal of tags. However, if the proportion of hits issued does not exceed 1% of the average overall volume usually measured on the site, this will have no impact on the termination procedure.

Please refer to the xtcore.js tagging documentation during the tag removal process: http://help.atinternet-solutions.com/EN/implementation/linkgeneraltagging_en.htm

Here you will find sample code for all tags that have been implemented on your sites.


Main tag

Look for the tag code in the source code of the page:

  • Either manually; It is usually placed at the end of the code, just before the </ body> tag of your source code
  • Either by doing a search on the string of characters “xtsite”

The next step is to delete the entire tag that will by default have the following format:

<script type="text/javascript"> //(1)
xtnv = document;  //parent.document or top.document or document        
xtsd = "http://logxxxx";
xtsite = "xxxxx"; //site number
xtn2 = "";        //level 2 site
xtpage = "";      //page name (with the use of :: to create chapters)
xtdi = "";        //implication degree
xt_multc = "";    //customised indicators
xt_an = "";       //numeric identifier
xt_ac = "";       //category
//do not modify below
if (window.xtparam!=null){window.xtparam+="&ac="+xt_ac+"&an="+xt_an+xt_multc;}
else{window.xtparam = "&ac="+xt_ac+"&an="+xt_an+xt_multc;};
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.your_site.com/xtcore.js"></script> //(2)
<img width="1" height="1" src="http://logxxxx.xxxx/hit.xiti?s=xxxxx&s2=&p=&di=&ac=&an=&" > //(3)

In order to remove the tag completely, you will have to delete:

  • All the JavaScript part that is between <script type= “text/javascript”></script> (1)
  • The script corresponding to the call to the xtcore.js file (2)
  • The <noscript> part (3)

If you tag your mobile sites with the insertion of a tracking pixel, the code to be deleted will then have the following format:

<img width="1" height="1" src="http://logxxxx.xxxx/hit.xiti?s=xxxx&p=&idclient=&na=&ref=">

Event tags

In addition to the main tag, there are many additional event tags that you will also need to remove:

These particular tags are related to the measurement of:

  • ClickZone / ScrollView
  • MV Testing
  • Clicks
  • Goals & Sales
  • Rich Media / Podcasts
  • Internal Search Engine
  • On-site ads / Publisher
  • Marketing campaigns

The measurement of these events can be done by:

  • JavaScript
  • Redirections


Via Javascript

In this case, all calls to the JavaScript functions xt_med (), xt_click () for example, should be removed from your source code. These are usually placed within the buttons and links to be tagged.

<a href="http://www.site.com" onclick="return xt_click(this,'C','level2_number','click_name','N')">
<img height="124" alt="" width="103" onclick="return xt_med('C','8','Photo','A')"/>

If you have passed campaign tags to third parties (impressions and clicks), you will have to ask them to delete those campaigns.


Via redirection

You will have to delete all redirect tags which start, for example, with:


List of features that can use redirection:

  • Marketing campaigns (Advertisement, Sponsored links, email marketing, affiliations, …)
  • On-site ads
  • Click
  • Internal Search Engine (click tag)
  • Podcasts (Rich Media)

Be careful: If you use the server-side method for tagging orders on the site, be sure to also delete calls made from server to server.


Files hosted on your servers

All tags work with one or more JavaScript files hosted on your servers.

In order to finalize the removal of the tags, it is now necessary to delete the files present on your server. They are called in the source code in the format:

<script type ="text/javascript" src="http://www.monsite.fr/xtcore.js"></script>

You can have:

  • xtcore.js (or its equivalents xtroi.js and xiti.js)
  • xtclicks.js (ClickZone / ScrollView)
  • xtplug.js (Plugins)
  • xtplugar.js (Plugins)
  • xtytrm.js (Rich Media)
  • xtvarm.js (Rich Media)
  • xtjwrm.js (Rich Media)

V5 tag or later (smarttag.js)

Removal of AT Internet tags takes place in three major steps:

  • Main tag
  • Event tag
  • JavaScript files used for measurement

NB: Pages loaded by browsers can sometimes continue to generate hits despite the removal of tags. However, if the proportion of hits issued does not exceed 1% of the average overall volume usually measured on the site, this will have no impact on the termination procedure.

Please refer to the xtcore.js tagging documentation during the tag removal process: https://developers.atinternet-solutions.com/javascript-en/getting-started-javascript-en/tracker-initialisation-javascript-en/

Here you will find sample code for all tags that have been implemented on your sites.


Main tag

Look for the tag code in the source code of the page by doing a search on the name “ATInternet”.

The next step is to delete the entire tag that will by default have the following format:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.site.com/smarttag.js"></script> 
var ATTag = new ATInternet.Tracker.Tag({ 
log: "logxxxx", 
logSSL: "logxxxx", 
secure: false, 
site: xxxxx, 
domain: "xiti.com" 
name: "pagename" 

Unlike the xtcore.js file, the smarttag.js file is not called after the main tag, but just before or in the <head> tag at the top of the page.


Event tag

In addition to the main tag, there are many additional event tags that you will also need to remove:

These particular tags are related to the measurement of:

  • ClickZone / ScrollView
  • MV Testing
  • Clicks
  • Goals & Sales
  • Rich media / Podcasts
  • Internal Search Engine
  • On-site ads / Publisher
  • Marketing campaigns

The measurement of these events can be done by:

  • JavaScript
  • Redirections


Via Javascript

In this case, all calls to Javascript functions called outside the dispatch () are removed (methods in .send). These are usually placed within the buttons and links to be tagged.

<a href="http://www.site.com" onclick="return tag.click.send({elem:this, name:'clickName', level2:'clickLvl2', type:'navigation'});">

If you have passed campaign tags to third parties (impressions and clicks), you will have to ask them to delete those campaigns.


Via redirection

You will have to delete all redirect tags which start, for example, with:


List of features that can use redirection:

  • Marketing campaigns (Advertisement, Sponsored links, email marketing, affiliations, …)
  • On-ite ads
  • Click
  • Internal Search Engine (click tag)
  • Podcasts (Rich Media)

Be careful: If you use the server-side method for tagging orders on the site, be sure to also delete calls made from server to server.


Files hosted on your servers

All tags work with one or more JavaScript files that can be hosted on your servers or on our CDN.

In order to finish the removal of the tags, it is now necessary to delete the files present on your server or the calls to our CDN.

The call will then have the following format:

  • File hosted on your server:
<script type ="text/javascript" src="http://www.monsite.fr/smarttag.js"></script>
  • File hosted on our CDN server:
<script src="//tag.aticdn.net/#SITEID#/smarttag.js"></script>

You can have:

  • smarttag.js
  • at-smarttag-youtube.js (YouTube plugin)
  • videojs.atinternet.js (Brightcove plugin)

How to remove tags from your applications


Non-native applications and webviews

If you tag your applications with JavaScript or if you have webviews, you can refer to 1.1 (xtcore.js) and 1.2 (smarttag.js) to remove the tag. The same provisions apply.


Native applications

If you tag your native applications with our SDK, you will have to delete both your project library and all the methods using our SDK.

Be careful: If users of your applications do not have an update requirement for the application in question, you may see significant residual traffic despite the removal of tags.

This traffic is generated by older versions of your application. Therefore, you will need to specify which version of your application no longer has our tags implemented, so that we can validate your request for termination.


How to remove tags via TMS

If you tag your websites with our tag but via a TMS, then you will have to go into this tool and disable or delete the tags related to AT Internet.


AMP and Instant Article tags

If you have an AMP and/or Instant Article tag, you will need to delete the tags.

The Instant Article tag is inserted into a Frame of the following format:

<figure class="op-tracker">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//tag.aticdn.net/smarttag.js"></script>
    // Tracker initialisation
    var ATTag = new ATInternet.Tracker.Tag({
      log: "log",
      logSSL: "logs",
      site: 123456,
      domain: "xiti.com",
      medium: "fia"
    // Standard page tagging
      name: "FIA_page"

Whereas the AMP tag will have the following format by default:

<amp-analytics type="atinternet" id="atinternet">
<script type="application/json">
  "vars": {
    "site": "123456",
    "log": "logs",
    "domain": ".xiti.com",
    "title": "pageChapter::pageTitle",
    "level2": "10"
  "triggers": {
    "defaultPageview": {
      "on": "visible",
      "request": "pageview"
    "links": {
      "on": "click",
      "selector": "a",
      "request": "click",
      "vars": {
        "label": "clickChapter::clickLabel",
        "level2Click": "12",
        "type": "a"


Last update: 26/09/2018