Custom object



Before using the “customObject” parameter, please make sure you have initialised the AT Internet JavaScript Tracker and selected the Page plugin from the Tag Composer interface.



The “customObject” parameter allows you to pool together all parameters you wish to measure and possibly display variables pre-defined by AT Internet (“name”, “level2”, etc.): the Data Manager interface is necessary in order to tell our data treatment system which parameter corresponds to which dimension.



The “customObject” parameter can contain as many parameters as you wish.


Tagging examples with the “page.set()” method

  1. Declaration format for a parameter with 1 dimension:{		
    	customObject: {
    		param1: 'val1',
    		param2: 'val2'

    where “param(i)” are the labels of parameters and “val(i)” are the values to associate with these parameters (surrounded by quotes in the case of text).

  2. Declaration format for a parameter with 2 dimensions:{	
    	customObject: {
    		param1: {
    			param11: 'val1',
    			param12: 'val2'

    where “param(ii)” are the labels of parameters and “val(ii)” are the values to associate with these parameters (surrounded by quotes in the case of text). In the above example, the parameters “param 11” and “param12” are completely dependent on the parameter “param1”.


Tagging examples with the “page.send()” method

  1. Declaration format for a parameter with 1 dimension:{		
    	customObject: {
    		param1: 'val1',
    		param2: 'val2'
  2. Declaration format for a parameter with 2 dimensions:{	
    	customObject: {
    		param1: {
    			param11: 'val1',
    			param12: 'val2'

It is possible to combine parameters with 1 or 2 dimensions in the “customObject” declaration.


Last update: 30/01/2018