


Before beginning implementation of the Clicks plugin, please make sure you have initialised the AT Internet JavaScript tracker and selected the plugin from within the Tag Composer interface.



This plugin’s objective is to enable measurement of clicks on your site.


Plugin setup

The Clicks plugin can be set up from within the Tag Composer interface. Two parameters are affected:

  • Automatic click management: When a click triggers navigation or redirection, browsers prohibit the measurement of these links. This management can force the measurement.
  • Automatic click management timeout: Period of time after which the automatic click management will force the navigation, even if measurement was not able to take place (in milliseconds).


To tag your clicks, the tracker exposes two objects, click and clickListener, based on the type of tag desired.

click exposes two methods:

  • send: regular measurement of a click
  • set: is used with the tracker’s dispatch


elem send(optional) Tagged DOM element
name send / setClick label/name
chapter1 send / setFirst level of chapter
chapter2 send / setSecond level of chapter
chapter3 send / setThird level of chapter
level2 send / setClick level 2
type send / set(mandatory) click type, possible values are: ‘exit’, ‘download’, ‘action’, or ‘navigation’
customObject send / setCustomised parameters (see Custom object)
event send(optional) JavaScript event (prevent event propagation) – since v5.7.0
callback send(optional) function to execute – since v5.7.0

clickListener exposes one method:

  • send: regular measurement of a click


elemTagged DOM element
nameClick label/name
chapter1First level of chapter
chapter2Second level of chapter
chapter3Third level of chapter
level2Click level 2
type(mandatory) click type, possible values are: ‘exit’, ‘download’, ‘action’, or ‘navigation’
customObjectCustomised parameters (see Custom object)
callback(optional) function to execute

The parameter “type” is mandatory to measure a click.

By default, if the “name” parameter is not entered (or is an empty string), and if chapter attributes are not entered (or are empty strings), the page URL will be used as the click name in your reports. Keep in mind that if your tag is set to not ignore empty chapter values, the URL will only be used if the “name” parameter is not entered (or is an empty string) and if chapter attributes are totally absent.

“event” parameter is not available for send method exposed by clickListener.


Link tagging examples

Standard tagging of a link is done via its HTML code.

Initialising the tracker can be done before or after the HTML code that defines the tagged clickable element.

The parameter “elem:this” as well as the keyword “return” enable automatic click management.


Simple example

<script type="text/javascript">
    var tag = new ATInternet.Tracker.Tag();
<a href="" onclick="return{elem:this, name:'clickName', level2:'clickLvl2', type:'navigation'});">Click me</a>

Example with chapters

<script type="text/javascript">
    var tag = new ATInternet.Tracker.Tag();
<a href="" onclick="return{elem:this, name:'clickName', chapter1:'myChapter1', chapter2:'myChapter2', level2:'clickLvl2', type:'navigation'});">Click me</a>

Example with JQuery event

Available since version 5.7.0

<script type="text/javascript">
    var tag = new ATInternet.Tracker.Tag();
<a id="link" href="">Click me</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $("#link").on( "click", function(event) {{
            elem: this,
            name: 'clickName',
            level2: 'clickLvl2',
            type: 'navigation',
            event: event

Example with callback

Available since version 5.7.0

<script type="text/javascript">
    var tag = new ATInternet.Tracker.Tag();
<a id="link" href="">Click me</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var link = document.getElementById('link');
    var callback = function() {console.log('executed');};
    ATInternet.Utils.addEvtListener(link, 'click', function (event) {{
            elem: link,
            name: 'clickName',
            level2: 'clickLvl2',
            type: 'action',
            callback: callback,
            event: event

Tagging in a custom JavaScript method

<script type="text/javascript">
var tag = new ATInternet.Tracker.Tag();
<script type="text/javascript">
    function customFunction(element){
        // your code
               elem:element, // DOM element given

<a href="" onclick="return customFunction(this)">Click me</a>

If you have a method that you don’t wish to touch, you must simply place our tag right after your method:

<a href="" onclick="customFunction();return{elem:this,...});">Click me</a>

Tagging a form

<script type="text/javascript">
    var tag = new ATInternet.Tracker.Tag();
<form action="..." method="GET" onsubmit="return{elem:this,name:'myFormName',type:'navigation'});">
    <input type="submit" value="submit"/>

Tagging a link or a form via an event listener

This tag enables you to avoid placing JavaScript code in the HTML code.

However, it is necessary that the clickable element we wish to tag can be referenced, for example, by giving this element an ID via the “id” attribute, and then using the JavaScript method “document.getElementById(<ID>)” to add the tagging property “elem”.

The JavaScript code containing a call to “clickListener.send()” must be placed after the element we wish to tag (so that this element exists with the code is executed).

Example of a link:

<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="mylink">Click me</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var tag = new ATInternet.Tracker.Tag();
    var callback = function() {console.log('executed');};
        elem: document.getElementById("mylink"),
        name: 'clickName',
        chapter1: 'chap1',
        level2: 'clickLvl2',
        type: 'action',
        callback: callback
    // this will send a hit when the link is clicked

Example of a form:

<form action="..." method="GET" id="myForm">
    <input type="submit" value="submit"/>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var tag = new ATInternet.Tracker.Tag();
        elem: document.getElementById("myForm"),
        name: 'clickName',
        chapter1: 'chap1',
        level2: 'clickLvl2',
        type: 'action'
    // this will send a hit when the form is submitted
Last update: 01/03/2019