
  • iOS
  • watchOS
  • tvOS


AT Internet’s SDK allows you to tag your application’s basket or cart, as well as its contents.

As with a real cart, you can add or remove products from the cart and send this information in your screen hit.


Get off to a good start

Once your tag is initialised, you can add cart information to your screen hit.

In the case of a Swift project, be sure to import the Tracker (or TrackerExtension if your target is an extension) module in your ViewController. In the case of an Objective-C project, be sure to import SmartTracker-Swift.h



The tracker makes a cart property available. This property exposes the following methods:

  • set : Allows you to define a cart ID to then be able to add products

    So that cart information is successfully taken into account, the ID must be greater than zero

  • unset: Allows you to remove products from the cart and to reset the cart’s ID

The cart property also exposes a products property allowing you to add or remove products to/from the cart.

The products property exposes the following methods:

  • add : Adds a product to the cart and returns a Product object
  • remove : Deletes a product from the cart
  • removeAll : Removes all products contained in the cart

To send cart information without sending order information, you must define the property isBasketScreen of your Screen object as true. If not, cart information will not be added to your screen hit.


Tagging examples

  1. Tagging a screen summarising the content of a cart with 2 articles

    The cart ID must be identical to the ID present in the order content tag; if not, the cart will be considered as abandoned. Please also remember, the ID used for the cart must be unique and should never be reused, in order to avoid inconsistencies in your analyses.

    import UIKit
    import Tracker
    class ViewController: UIViewController {
        let tracker: Tracker = ATInternet.sharedInstance.defaultTracker
        override func viewDidLoad() {
        override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
            // Enable cart and set an identifier
            let p1 = tracker.cart.products.add("ID[p1]")
            p1.category1 = "10[Shoes]"
            p1.quantity = 1
            p1.unitPriceTaxFree = 70
            p1.unitPriceTaxIncluded = 85
            p1.promotionalCode = "ATInternet"
            p1.discountTaxFree = 0
            p1.discountTaxIncluded = 0
            let p2 = tracker.cart.products.add("ID[p2]")
            p2.category1 = "20[Socks]"
            p2.quantity = 2
            p2.unitPriceTaxFree = 5
            p2.unitPriceTaxIncluded = 7
            let cartScreen = tracker.screens.add("Cart resume")
            // If isBasketScreen is not set to true, Cart info won't be added to Screen hit
            cartScreen.isBasketScreen = true
    #import "ViewController.h"
    #import "SmartTracker/SmartTracker-Swift.h"
    @interface ViewController ()
    @property (nonatomic, strong) Tracker* tracker;
    @implementation ViewController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        [super viewDidLoad];
        self.tracker = [ATInternet sharedInstance].defaultTracker;
    - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
        [super viewWillAppear:animated];
        // Enable cart and set an identifier
        [self.tracker.cart set:@"1"];
        Product *p1 = [self.tracker.cart.products add:@"ID[p1]"];
        p1.category1 = @"10[Shoes]";
        p1.quantity = 1;
        p1.unitPriceTaxFree = 70;
        p1.unitPriceTaxIncluded = 85;
        p1.promotionalCode = @"ATInternet";
        p1.discountTaxFree = 0;
        p1.discountTaxIncluded = 0;
        Product *p2 = [self.tracker.cart.products add:@"ID[p2]"];
        p2.category1 = @"20[Socks]";
        p2.quantity = 2;
        p2.unitPriceTaxFree = 5;
        p2.unitPriceTaxIncluded = 7;
        Screen* cartScreen = [self.tracker.screens add:@"Cart resume"];
       // If isBasketScreen is not set to true, Cart info won't be added to Screen hit
        cartScreen.isBasketScreen = YES;
        [cartScreen sendView];
  2. Tagging an order with cart information

    For more information on tagging your orders, visit this page: Orders (SalesTracker)

    import UIKit
    import Tracker
    class ViewController: UIViewController {
        let tracker: Tracker = ATInternet.sharedInstance.defaultTracker
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            tracker.debugger = self
        override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
            let p1 = tracker.cart.products.add("ID[p1]")
            p1.category1 = "10[Shoes]"
            p1.quantity = 1
            p1.unitPriceTaxFree = 70
            p1.unitPriceTaxIncluded = 85
            p1.promotionalCode = "ATInternet"
            p1.discountTaxFree = 0
            p1.discountTaxIncluded = 0
            let p2 = tracker.cart.products.add("ID[p2]")
            p2.category1 = "20[Socks]"
            p2.quantity = 2
            p2.unitPriceTaxFree = 5
            p2.unitPriceTaxIncluded = 7
            let order = tracker.orders.add("cmd1", turnover: 94.30, status: 1)
            // First order from that customer
            order.isNewCustomer = true
            // Order amount
            order.amount.set(80, amountTaxIncluded: 94.30, taxAmount: 14)
            // Order delivery info
  , shippingFeesTaxIncluded: 7.5, deliveryMethod: "1[UPS]")
            // Discount info
  , discountTaxIncluded: 7.5, promotionalCode: "SUMMER")
            let confirmOrderScreen = tracker.screens.add("Order confirmation")
    #import "ViewController.h"
    #import "SmartTracker/SmartTracker-Swift.h"
    @interface ViewController ()
    @property (nonatomic, strong) Tracker* tracker;
    @implementation ViewController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        [super viewDidLoad];
        self.tracker = [ATInternet sharedInstance].defaultTracker;
        self.tracker.debugger = self;
    - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
        [super viewWillAppear:animated];
        [self.tracker.cart set:@"1"];
        Product *p1 = [self.tracker.cart.products add:@"ID[p1]"];
        p1.category1 = @"10[Shoes]";
        p1.quantity = 1;
        p1.unitPriceTaxFree = 70;
        p1.unitPriceTaxIncluded = 85;
        p1.promotionalCode = @"ATInternet";
        p1.discountTaxFree = 0;
        p1.discountTaxIncluded = 0;
        Product *p2 = [self.tracker.cart.products add:@"ID[p2]"];
        p2.category1 = @"20[Socks]";
        p2.quantity = 2;
        p2.unitPriceTaxFree = 5;
        p2.unitPriceTaxIncluded = 7;
        Order* order = [self.tracker.orders add:@"cmd1" turnover: 94.30 status: 1];
        // First order from that customer
        order.isNewCustomer = YES;
        // Order amount
        [order.amount set:80 amountTaxIncluded: 94.30 taxAmount: 14];
        // Order delivery info
        [ set:5 shippingFeesTaxIncluded: 7.5 deliveryMethod: @"1[UPS]"];
        // Discount info
        [ set:5 discountTaxIncluded: 7.5 promotionalCode: @"SUMMER"];
        Screen *confirmOrderScreen = [self.tracker.screens add:@"Order confirmation"];
        [confirmOrderScreen sendView];
        [self.tracker.cart unset];
  3. Resetting a cart after having completed an order

    @IBAction func finishOrder(sender: UIButton) {
        // Reset cart ID and remove all products
    - (IBAction)finishOrder:(UIButton *)sender {
        [self.tracker.cart unset];
  4. Replacing an existing cart

    @IBAction func reinitCart(sender: UIButton) {
        // Set a new identifier for cart
    - (IBAction)reinitCart:(UIButton *)sender {
        [self.tracker.cart setWithId:@"2"];
  5. Adding products to the cart

    @IBAction func addProduct2Cart(sender: UIButton) {
        let p1 = tracker.cart.products.add("ID[p1]")
        p1.category1 = "10[Shoes]"
        p1.quantity = 1
        p1.unitPriceTaxFree = 60
        p1.unitPriceTaxIncluded = 75
        p1.promotionalCode = "SUMMER"
        p1.discountTaxFree = 5
        p1.discountTaxIncluded = 7.5
    - (IBAction)addProductToCart:(UIButton *)sender {
        Product *p1 = [self.tracker.cart.products add:@"ID[p1]"];
        p1.category1 = @"10[Shoes]";
        p1.quantity = 1;
        p1.unitPriceTaxFree = 60;
        p1.unitPriceTaxIncluded = 75;
        p1.promotionalCode = @"SUMMER";
        p1.discountTaxFree = 5;
        p1.discountTaxIncluded = 7.5;
  6. Removing a product from the cart

    @IBAction func removeProductFromCart(sender: UIButton) {
    - (IBAction)removeProductFromCart:(UIButton *)sender {
        [self.tracker.cart.products remove:@"ID[p1]"];
  7. Removing all products in the cart

    @IBAction func emptyCart(sender: UIButton) {
    - (IBAction)emptyCart:(UIButton *)sender {
        [self.tracker.cart.products removeAll];