Tracker initialisation


Get off to a good start

Once the AT Internet library has been integrated with your project, you should initialise your tracker in order to tag your different views or actions.

The ATInternet class allows you to initialise one or several trackers, name them, and memorise them.



To be able to use AT Internet’s SDK, it is NECESSARY to add the following authorisations in your AndroidManifest file, just before <application> tag:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>



Using a unique tracker in a multithreaded application

Be careful, the same instance of Tracker must not be shared in a concurrent programming,
otherwise the application will crash. The SDK code is not thread-safe, so it is necessary to use a different instance of Tracker per thread.


Using a unique tracker for your application

If your application does not require the use of several trackers, the ATInternet class exposes a defaultTracker method that allows you to easily manage a tracker.

The tracker initialization must be done after the super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); line

package com.atinternet.atinternetdemo;
import android.os.Bundle;
import com.atinternet.tracker.ATInternet;
import com.atinternet.tracker.Tracker;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
    private Tracker tracker;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        tracker = ATInternet.getInstance().getDefaultTracker();

Access to the defaultTracker object allows you to instantiate a tracker named defaultTracker and memorise its instance. When you call this object in the future, you will recover the same instance.


Using several trackers

If you need to manage several trackers, the ATInternet class enables you to instantiate, name, and memorise these different instances.

To initialise your different trackers, add the following code in the onCreate method of your Activity or onCreateView of your Fragment:

private Tracker tracker;
private Tracker audioTracker;
private Tracker cartTracker;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        tracker = ATInternet.getInstance().getDefaultTracker();
        audioTracker = ATInternet.getInstance().getTracker("audioTracker");
        cartTracker = ATInternet.getInstance().getTracker("cartTracker");

In the above example, three tracker instances are created:

  1. defaultTracker: instance by default
  2. audioTracker: a tracker used to tag your audio streams
  3. cartTracker: a tracker used to tag your product cart

When calling these properties/methods (e.g. in a Activity), you will recover these previously created instances.

Last update: 26/02/2019